
The RefinePoint class is used to specify locations where you would like more refinement in your mesh. Create as many refine points as you would like for your mesh and add them to the refine_points list in your MultiPolyMesherIo object.

class xmsmesh.meshing.RefinePoint
__init__(self: xmsmesh.meshing.RefinePoint, point: tuple, size: float, create_mesh_point: bool=True) → None

A location and options used for refining a mesh.

  • point (iterable) – An (x, y, z) location for the point.
  • size (float) – A size for the refinement. A negative value represents a hard point.
  • create_mesh_point (bool optional) – Force a mesh point at the refine point location.

Create a mesh point at this location with attached cells at the specified size.


Location of refine refine point


Element size at the refine point. point.