
XmsMesh can be installed using Anaconda.

You can install XmsMesh using the conda command:

conda install -c aquaveo xmsmesh

This will install XmsMesh and all the needed dependencies.


The meshing library takes a MultiPolyMesherIo class containing settings and the PolyInputs (outside_polygons and inside_polygons) and generates a mesh.

The first step is to create a PolyInput that will contain your polygon definition. In this example we will start with 4 corners and use the PolyRedistributePts object to specify a spacing on initial polygon.

from xmsmesh.meshing import PolyInput
from xmsmesh.meshing import PolyRedistributePts

polygon_corners = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 100, 0), (100, 100, 0),
                   (100, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)]
rp = PolyRedistributePts()
polygon_boundary = rp.redistribute(polygon_corners)

# We don't want a closed loop on our polygon_boundary
# so we remove the last element
polygon_boundary = rp.redistribute(polygon_corners)[:-1]

poly_input = PolyInput(outside_polygon=polygon_boundary)

Now we will create our PolyMesherIo and generate our mesh

from xmsmesh.meshing import MultiPolyMesherIo
from xmsmesh.meshing import mesh_utils

mesher_io = MultiPolyMesherIo(poly_inputs=[poly_input])

succeeded, errors = mesh_utils.generate_mesh(mesh_io=mesher_io)

# You can also generate a 2dm file
succeeded, file_name = mesh_utils.generate_2dm(mesh_io=mesher_io, file_name="out.2dm")

In the above example succeeded is returned True if the meshing was successful, or False if there were any errors. errors is a string of logged information from the mesher. It is an empty string if the meshing was successful.

The newly generated mesh can be accessed through the points property on the MultiPolyMesher used to generate the mesh


There are many other options and settings that can be used to generate a mesh and the documentation can be found in the User Interface section of this site. There are also additional examples that can be found on the Examples page