
The PolyRedistributePts class is used to help redistribute pts on a polyline. There are several functions on this class used to set options (set_constant_size_bias, set_constant_size_func, set_size_func) as well as the function redistribute that actaully does all the work.


from xmsmesh.meshing import PolyRedistributePts

polygon_corners = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 100, 0), (100, 100, 0),
                   (100, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)]
rp = PolyRedistributePts()
redistributed_points = rp.redistribute(polygon_corners)
class xmsmesh.meshing.PolyRedistributePts
redistribute(self: xmsmesh.meshing.PolyRedistributePts, poly_line: iterable) → iterable

Redistributes points on closed loop polylines. The length of edges in the redistribution comes from a size function that is interpolated to the points that make up the polylines. By default this size function comes from the edge lengths in the original polygon.

Parameters:poly_line (iterable) – List of (x, y, z) coordinates defining the polygon
Returns:Redistributed polyline.
Return type:iterable
set_constant_size_bias(self: xmsmesh.meshing.PolyRedistributePts, size_bias: float) → None

Sets the bias for constant value size function

Parameters:size_bias (float) – Transition rate for size function
set_constant_size_func(self: xmsmesh.meshing.PolyRedistributePts, size: float) → None

Sets the size function to a constant value

Parameters:size (float) – The element edge size.
set_size_func(self: xmsmesh.meshing.PolyRedistributePts, interp: xms::InterpBase) → None

Sets the size function interpolator

Parameters:interp (InterpBase) – Size function interpolator class
set_size_func_from_poly(self: xmsmesh.meshing.PolyRedistributePts, out_poly: iterable, inside_polys: iterable, size_bias: float) → None
set_use_curvature_redistribution(self: xmsmesh.meshing.PolyRedistributePts, feature_size: float, mean_spacing: float, minimum_curvature: float, smooth: bool) → None

Specifies that curvature redistribution will be used.

  • feature_size (float) – The size of the smallest feature in the polyline to be detected.
  • mean_spacing (float) – The mean spacing between the distributed points.
  • minimum_curvature (float) – The value of the curvature to be used instead of 0 in staight lines. It limits the maximum spacing between points. If not included, the default is 0.001.
  • smooth (bool) – Detemines if the curvatures are to be averaged by a rolling 0.25-0.5-0.25 weighted rolling average.