15 #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h> 39 xms::VecPt3d2d& a_inPolys,
40 xms::VecPt3d& a_ptsToTest);
void testNoHoles()
Test a simple polygon with some points outside, some inside, some on, and some coincident with polygo...
static void SetUpPolyWithHole(xms::VecPt3d &a_outPoly, xms::VecPt3d &a_inPolys)
Used in tests to create a polygon with lots of segments and 2 holes.
void testIntersection()
tests intersection of polygons
static void SetUpPolyWithHoles1(xms::VecPt3d &a_outPoly, xms::VecPt3d2d &a_inPolys, xms::VecPt3d &a_ptsToTest)
Used in tests to create a polygon with two holes.
void testUnion()
tests union of polygons
void testWithHoles()
Test a polygon with holes.
void testMinDistanceToBoundary()
tests calculating the minimum distance to the boundary of a polygon.