xmsstamper  1.0

Stamper Tutorial


The purpose of this tutorial is to provide explanation on how to use the classes defined in this library to perform feature stamping. The examples provided in this tutorial refer to test cases that are in the /tutorial/TutStamping.cpp source file.

The library contains classes for performing feature stamping. The basic idea is to associate cross sections with a center line to produce a new feature (a "fill" embankment, a "cut" channel). The output from the feature stamp is a TIN and a set of break lines defining distinct characteristics of the new feature, such as the center line, shoulder, toe, and end cap.

The xms::StStamperIo class is used to set up the inputs to the stamp operation and it also contains the outputs of the operation in the member variables m_outTin and m_outBreakLines;

Example - Fill Embankment Feature Stamp

The following example shows how to use the stamper to make a simple fill embankment. The testing code for this example is TutStampingTests::test_StampFillEmbankment.

// declare a XmStamperIo class to create the inputs
// set as a "fill" stamp
// define the center line
io.m_centerLine = {{0, 0, 15}, {0, 10, 15}};
// define a cross section at each point on the center line. This will
// be a symmetric cross section. The top width will be 10 and the side
// slope will be 1. The cross section will have a total width of 40.
cs.m_left = {{0, 15}, {5, 15}, {6, 14}};
cs.m_leftMax = 20;
cs.m_right = cs.m_left;
// create a Raster to stamp to
const int numPixelsX = 41, numPixelsY = 11;
const double pixelSize = 1.0;
const xms::Pt3d minPt(-20.0, 0.0);
const std::vector<double> rasterVals(numPixelsX * numPixelsY, 5);
xms::XmStampRaster raster(numPixelsX, numPixelsY, pixelSize, pixelSize, minPt, rasterVals, XM_NODATA);
// set the raster member of the raster class. The values are interpolated from io.m_outTin in
// the XmStamper::DoStamp function.
io.m_raster = raster;
// create a XmStamper class. This class performs the stamp operation.
BSHP<xms::XmStamper> st = xms::XmStamper::New();
std::string rasterFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testFillEmbankment_out.asc"));
std::string baseFile(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testFillEmbankment_base.asc"));
io.m_raster.WriteGridFile(rasterFileName, xms::XmStampRaster::XmRasterFormatEnum::RS_ARCINFO_ASCII);
TS_ASSERT_TXT_FILES_EQUAL(baseFile, rasterFileName);
// verify the outputs
TS_ASSERT(io.m_outTin); // the output TIN should exist
xms::VecPt3d basePts = {{0, 0, 15}, {0, 10, 15}, {-5, 0, 15}, {-20, 0, 0}, {-5, 10, 15},
{-20, 10, 0}, {5, 0, 15}, {20, 0, 0}, {5, 10, 15}, {20, 10, 0}};
TS_ASSERT_DELTA_VECPT3D(basePts, io.m_outTin->Points(), 1e-9);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(7, io.m_outBreakLines.size());
xms::VecInt baseLines = {0, 1}; // centerline
baseLines = {3, 2, 0, 6, 7}; // first cross section
baseLines = {5, 4, 1, 8, 9}; // second cross section
baseLines = {3, 5}; // left toe
baseLines = {7, 9}; // right toe
baseLines = {2, 4}; // left shoulder
baseLines = {6, 8}; // right shoulder
// Write output TIN for viewing in XMS
std::string tinFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testFillEmbankmentTin_out.tin"));
std::ofstream ofs(tinFileName, std::ofstream::trunc);
} // TutStampingUnitTests::test_StampFillEmbankment

The output from this test looks like the following image.

Stamp fill embankment

Example - Cut Embankment Feature Stamp

The following example shows how to use the stamper to make a simple cut embankment. This is just like the fill embankment but we have flipped the specified cross sections. The testing code for this example is TutStampingTests::test_StampCutEmbankment.

// declare a XmStamperIo class to create the inputs
// set as a "cut" stamp
// define the center line
io.m_centerLine = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 10, 0}};
// define a cross section at each point on the center line. This will
// be a symmetric cross section. The top width will be 10 and the side
// slope will be 1. The cross section will have a total width of 40.
cs.m_left = {{0, 0}, {5, 0}, {6, 1}};
cs.m_leftMax = 20;
cs.m_right = cs.m_left;
// create a Raster to stamp to
const int numPixelsX = 41, numPixelsY = 11;
const double pixelSize = 1.0;
const xms::Pt3d minPt(-20.0, 0.0);
const std::vector<double> rasterVals(numPixelsX * numPixelsY, 5);
xms::XmStampRaster raster(numPixelsX, numPixelsY, pixelSize, pixelSize, minPt, rasterVals, XM_NODATA);
// set the raster member of the raster class. The values are interpolated from io.m_outTin in
// the XmStamper::DoStamp function.
io.m_raster = raster;
// create a XmStamper class. This class performs the stamp operation.
BSHP<xms::XmStamper> st = xms::XmStamper::New();
std::string rasterFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testCutEmbankment_out.asc"));
std::string baseFile(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testCutEmbankment_base.asc"));
io.m_raster.WriteGridFile(rasterFileName, xms::XmStampRaster::XmRasterFormatEnum::RS_ARCINFO_ASCII);
TS_ASSERT_TXT_FILES_EQUAL(baseFile, rasterFileName);
// verify the outputs
TS_ASSERT(io.m_outTin); // the output TIN should exist
xms::VecPt3d basePts = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 10, 0}, {-5, 0, 0}, {-20, 0, 15}, {-5, 10, 0},
{-20, 10, 15}, {5, 0, 0}, {20, 0, 15}, {5, 10, 0}, {20, 10, 15}};
TS_ASSERT_DELTA_VECPT3D(basePts, io.m_outTin->Points(), 1e-9);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(7, io.m_outBreakLines.size());
xms::VecInt baseLines = {0, 1}; // centerline
baseLines = {3, 2, 0, 6, 7}; // first cross section
baseLines = {5, 4, 1, 8, 9}; // second cross section
baseLines = {3, 5}; // left toe
baseLines = {7, 9}; // right toe
baseLines = {2, 4}; // left shoulder
baseLines = {6, 8}; // right shoulder
// Write output TIN for viewing in XMS
std::string tinFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testCutEmbankmentTin_out.tin"));
std::ofstream ofs(tinFileName, std::ofstream::trunc);
} // TutStampingUnitTests::test_StampCutEmbankment

The output from this test looks like the following image.

Stamp cut embankment

Example - Wing Wall with Fill Embankment Feature Stamp

The following example shows how to use the stamper to make a fill embankment with a wing wall end cap with a specified angle. An angle can be specified with all end caps and it will affect the orientation of the end cap from the center line to the shoulder. The wing wall has an additional angle that can be specified that changes the orientation from the shoulder to the toe. The testing code for this example is TutStampingTests::test_StampWingWall.

// declare a XmStamperIo class to create the inputs
// set as a "fill" stamp
// define the center line
io.m_centerLine = {{0, 0, 15}, {20, 20, 15}};
// define a cross section at each point on the center line. This will
// be a symmetric cross section. The top width will be 10 and the side
// slope will be 1. The cross section will have a total width of 40.
cs.m_left = {{0, 15}, {5, 15}, {6, 14}};
cs.m_leftMax = 20;
cs.m_right = cs.m_left;
// wing wall is the default end cap
// set the angles on the wing wall
// set the angles on the wing wall
// create a Raster to stamp to
const int numPixelsX = 46, numPixelsY = 45;
const double pixelSize = 1.0;
const xms::Pt3d minPt(-16.0, -8.0);
const std::vector<double> rasterVals(numPixelsX * numPixelsY, XM_NODATA);
xms::XmStampRaster raster(numPixelsX, numPixelsY, pixelSize, pixelSize, minPt, rasterVals, XM_NODATA);
// set the raster member of the raster class. The values are interpolated from io.m_outTin in
// the XmStamper::DoStamp function.
io.m_raster = raster;
// create a XmStamper class. This class performs the stamp operation.
BSHP<xms::XmStamper> st = xms::XmStamper::New();
std::string rasterFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testWingWall_out.asc"));
std::string baseFile(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testWingWall_base.asc"));
io.m_raster.WriteGridFile(rasterFileName, xms::XmStampRaster::XmRasterFormatEnum::RS_ARCINFO_ASCII);
TS_ASSERT_TXT_FILES_EQUAL(baseFile, rasterFileName);
// verify the outputs
TS_ASSERT(io.m_outTin); // the output TIN should exist
xms::VecPt3d basePts = {{0, 0, 15}, {20, 20, 15}, {-4.5, 2.6, 15}, {-15.1, 13.2, 0},
{17.4, 24.5, 15}, {7.7, 36, 0}, {4.5, -2.6, 15}, {21.2, -7.1, 0},
{22.6, 15.5, 15}, {28.2, 0, 0}};
TS_ASSERT_DELTA_VECPT3D(basePts, io.m_outTin->Points(), 1e-1);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(7, io.m_outBreakLines.size());
xms::VecInt baseLines = {0, 1}; // centerline
baseLines = {3, 2, 0, 6, 7}; // first cross section
baseLines = {5, 4, 1, 8, 9}; // second cross section
baseLines = {3, 5}; // left toe
baseLines = {7, 9}; // right toe
baseLines = {2, 4}; // left shoulder
baseLines = {6, 8}; // right shoulder
// Write output TIN for viewing in XMS
std::string tinFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testWingWallTin_out.tin"));
std::ofstream ofs(tinFileName, std::ofstream::trunc);
} // TutStampingUnitTests::test_StampWingWall

The output from this test looks like the following image.

Stamp fill embankment with a wing wall end cap

Example - Sloped Abutment with Fill Embankment Feature Stamp

The following example shows how to use the stamper to make a fill embankment with a sloped abutment end cap. The testing code for this example is TutStampingTests::test_StampSlopedAbutment.

// declare a XmStamperIo class to create the inputs
// set as a "fill" stamp
// define the center line
io.m_centerLine = {{0, 0, 15}, {20, 20, 15}};
// define a cross section at each point on the center line. This will
// be a symmetric cross section. The top width will be 10 and the side
// slope will be 1. The cross section will have a total width of 40.
cs.m_left = {{0, 15}, {5, 15}, {6, 14}};
cs.m_leftMax = 20;
cs.m_right = cs.m_left;
// change to a sloped abutment end cap
// set the slope and max length for the end cap
io.m_firstEndCap.m_slopedAbutment.m_slope = {{0, 15}, {1, 14}};
// make the last end cap the same as the first
// change the angle on the last end cap
// create a Raster to stamp to
const int numPixelsX = 56, numPixelsY = 53;
const double pixelSize = 1.0;
const xms::Pt3d minPt(-17.0, -17.0);
const std::vector<double> rasterVals(numPixelsX * numPixelsY, XM_NODATA);
xms::XmStampRaster raster(numPixelsX, numPixelsY, pixelSize, pixelSize, minPt, rasterVals, XM_NODATA);
// set the raster member of the raster class. The values are interpolated from io.m_outTin in
// the XmStamper::DoStamp function.
io.m_raster = raster;
// create a XmStamper class. This class performs the stamp operation.
BSHP<xms::XmStamper> st = xms::XmStamper::New();
std::string rasterFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testSlopedAbutment_out.asc"));
std::string baseFile(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testSlopedAbutment_base.asc"));
io.m_raster.WriteGridFile(rasterFileName, xms::XmStampRaster::XmRasterFormatEnum::RS_ARCINFO_ASCII);
TS_ASSERT_TXT_FILES_EQUAL(baseFile, rasterFileName);
// verify the outputs
TS_ASSERT(io.m_outTin); // the output TIN should exist
xms::VecPt3d basePts = {
{0, 0, 15}, {20, 20, 15}, {-3.5, 3.5, 15}, {-14.1, 14.1, 0},
{15.2, 22.2, 15}, {4.6, 32.9, 0}, {3.5, -3.5, 15}, {14.1, -14.1, 0},
{24.8, 17.8, 15}, {35.4, 7.1, 0}, {-10.6, -3.5, 5}, {-12.9, -1.9, 4.2},
{-14.8, 0.5, 3.3}, {-16, 3.5, 2.5}, {-16.4, 7, 1.7}, {-15.8, 10.6, 0.8},
{-3.5, -10.6, 5.0}, {-1.9, -12.9, 4.2}, {0.5, -14.8, 3.3}, {3.5, -16.0, 2.5},
{7.0, -16.4, 1.7}, {10.6, -15.8, 0.8}, {19.4, 31.3, 5}, {16.6, 33.4, 3.8},
{13, 34.6, 2.5}, {8.8, 34.4, 1.3}, {29, 26.8, 5}, {31.8, 25.9, 4.3},
{34.3, 24.1, 3.6}, {36.4, 21.5, 2.9}, {37.7, 18.2, 2.1}, {38, 14.6, 1.4},
{37.3, 10.8, 0.7}};
TS_ASSERT_DELTA_VECPT3D(basePts, io.m_outTin->Points(), 1e-1);
// Write output TIN for viewing in XMS
std::string tinFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testSlopedAbutmentTin_out.tin"));
std::ofstream ofs(tinFileName, std::ofstream::trunc);
} // TutStampingUnitTests::test_StampSlopedAbutment

The output from this test looks like the following image.

Stamp fill embankment with a sloped abutment end cap

Example - Guidebank with Fill Embankment Feature Stamp

The following example shows how to use the stamper to make a fill embankment with a guidebank end cap. The testing code for this example is TutStampingTests::test_StampGuidebank.

// declare a XmStamperIo class to create the inputs
// set as a "fill" stamp
// define the center line
io.m_centerLine = {{0, 0, 15}, {50, 50, 15}};
// define a cross section at each point on the center line. This will
// be a symmetric cross section. The top width will be 10 and the side
// slope will be 1. The cross section will have a total width of 40.
cs.m_left = {{0, 15}, {5, 15}, {6, 14}};
cs.m_leftMax = 10;
cs.m_right = cs.m_left;
// change to a guidebank end cap
io.m_firstEndCap.m_guidebank.m_side = 0; // left side
// make the last end cap the same as the first
// change the angle on the last end cap
// create a Raster to stamp to
const int numPixelsX = 90, numPixelsY = 81;
const double pixelSize = 1.0;
const xms::Pt3d minPt(-21.0, -12.0);
const std::vector<double> rasterVals(numPixelsX * numPixelsY, XM_NODATA);
xms::XmStampRaster raster(numPixelsX, numPixelsY, pixelSize, pixelSize, minPt, rasterVals, XM_NODATA);
// set the raster member of the raster class. The values are interpolated from io.m_outTin in
// the XmStamper::DoStamp function.
io.m_raster = raster;
// create a XmStamper class. This class performs the stamp operation.
BSHP<xms::XmStamper> st = xms::XmStamper::New();
std::string rasterFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testGuidebank_out.asc"));
std::string baseFile(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testGuidebank_base.asc"));
io.m_raster.WriteGridFile(rasterFileName, xms::XmStampRaster::XmRasterFormatEnum::RS_ARCINFO_ASCII);
TS_ASSERT_TXT_FILES_EQUAL(baseFile, rasterFileName);
// verify the outputs
TS_ASSERT(io.m_outTin); // the output TIN should exist
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(144, io.m_outTin->Points().size());
// Write output TIN for viewing in XMS
std::string tinFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testGuidebankTin_out.tin"));
std::ofstream ofs(tinFileName, std::ofstream::trunc);
} // TutStampingUnitTests::test_StampGuidebank

The output from this test looks like the following image.

Stamp fill embankment with a guidebank end cap

Example - Fill Embankment Feature Stamp Intersecting Bathymetry

The following example shows how to use the stamper to make a fill embankment with an underlying bathymetry. The stamp is intersected and potentially cut off by the bathymetry. The testing code for this example is TutStampingTests::test_StampIntersectBathymetry.

// declare a XmStamperIo class to create the inputs
// set as a "fill" stamp
// define the center line
io.m_centerLine = {{0, 0, 15}, {10, 10, 15}};
// define a cross section at each point on the center line. This will
// be a symmetric cross section. The top width will be 10 and the side
// slope will be 1. The cross section will have a total width of 40.
cs.m_left = {{0, 15}, {5, 15}, {6, 14}};
cs.m_leftMax = 20;
cs.m_right = cs.m_left;
// create a TIN to represent Bathymetry
BSHP<xms::TrTin> tin = xms::TrTin::New();
BSHP<xms::VecPt3d> tPts(new xms::VecPt3d());
*tPts = {{-1, 25, 6}, {-15, 11, 6}, {5, -11, 10}, {20, 4, 10}};
BSHP<xms::VecInt> tTris(new xms::VecInt());
*tTris = {0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2};
// set the bathymetry member of the io class
io.m_bathymetry = tin;
// create a Raster to stamp to
const int numPixelsX = 29, numPixelsY = 34;
const double pixelSize = 1.0;
const xms::Pt3d minPt(-10.0, -8.0);
const std::vector<double> rasterVals(numPixelsX * numPixelsY, XM_NODATA);
xms::XmStampRaster raster(numPixelsX, numPixelsY, pixelSize, pixelSize, minPt, rasterVals, XM_NODATA);
// set the raster member of the raster class. The values are interpolated from io.m_outTin in
// the XmStamper::DoStamp function.
io.m_raster = raster;
// create a XmStamper class. This class performs the stamp operation.
BSHP<xms::XmStamper> st = xms::XmStamper::New();
std::string rasterFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testIntersectBathymetry_out.asc"));
std::string baseFile(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testIntersectBathymetry_base.asc"));
io.m_raster.WriteGridFile(rasterFileName, xms::XmStampRaster::XmRasterFormatEnum::RS_ARCINFO_ASCII);
TS_ASSERT_TXT_FILES_EQUAL(baseFile, rasterFileName);
// verify the outputs
TS_ASSERT(io.m_outTin); // the output TIN should exist
xms::VecPt3d basePts = {{0, 0, 15}, {10, 10, 15}, {-3.54, 3.54, 15},
{-9.42, 9.42, 6.68}, {6.46, 13.54, 15}, {-4.14, 24.14, 0},
{3.54, -3.54, 15}, {7.18, -7.18, 9.84}, {13.54, 6.46, 15},
{17.18, 2.82, 9.84}};
TS_ASSERT_DELTA_VECPT3D(basePts, io.m_outTin->Points(), 1e-2);
// Write output TIN for viewing in XMS
std::string tinFileName(XMS_TEST_PATH + std::string("stamping/rasterTestFiles/testIntersectBathymetryTin_out.tin"));
std::ofstream ofs(tinFileName, std::ofstream::trunc);
} // TutStampingUnitTests::test_StampIntersectBathymetry

The output from this test looks like the following image. The red triangles are the bathymetry.

Stamp fill embankment cut off by bathymetry