Installation ------------ XmsMesh can be installed using `Anaconda `_. You can install XmsMesh using the `conda `_ command:: conda install -c aquaveo xmsmesh This will install XmsMesh and **all** the needed dependencies. Usage ----- The meshing library takes a MultiPolyMesherIo class containing settings and the PolyInputs (outside_polygons and inside_polygons) and generates a mesh. The first step is to create a PolyInput that will contain your polygon definition. In this example we will start with 4 corners and use the PolyRedistributePts object to specify a spacing on initial polygon. .. code-block:: python from xmsmesh.meshing import PolyInput from xmsmesh.meshing import PolyRedistributePts polygon_corners = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 100, 0), (100, 100, 0), (100, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)] rp = PolyRedistributePts() rp.set_constant_size_func(10) polygon_boundary = rp.redistribute(polygon_corners) # We don't want a closed loop on our polygon_boundary # so we remove the last element polygon_boundary = rp.redistribute(polygon_corners)[:-1] poly_input = PolyInput(outside_polygon=polygon_boundary) Now we will create our PolyMesherIo and generate our mesh .. code-block:: python from xmsmesh.meshing import MultiPolyMesherIo from xmsmesh.meshing import mesh_utils mesher_io = MultiPolyMesherIo(poly_inputs=[poly_input]) succeeded, errors = mesh_utils.generate_mesh(mesh_io=mesher_io) # You can also generate a 2dm file succeeded, file_name = mesh_utils.generate_2dm(mesh_io=mesher_io, file_name="out.2dm") In the above example **succeeded** is returned True if the meshing was successful, or False if there were any errors. **errors** is a string of logged information from the mesher. It is an empty string if the meshing was successful. The newly generated mesh can be accessed through the **points** property on the MultiPolyMesher used to generate the mesh .. code-block:: python print(mesher_io.points) print(mesher_io.cells) There are many other options and settings that can be used to generate a mesh and the documentation can be found in the **User Interface** section of this site. There are also additional examples that can be found on the Examples_ page .. _Examples: